The sanctity of life
The talebangelicals are claiming that every fertilized human egg is a human being and crowing about the "sanctity of life." Bush is, of course, mentioning the "sanctity of life" whenever he opposes abortion and stem cell research. That would be the same Bush that got his underage girlfriend pregnant and pressured her to have an abortion. That would be the same Bush that gleefully consigned 152 Texas prisoners to execution after giving no more than 15 minutes' consideration to each of them (his 2-hour lunches were obviously of greater concern to him). That would be the same Bush who mocked Karla Faye Tucker's plea to be allowed to live so that she continue to minister to her fellow inmates. That would be the same Bush that lied the US into an illegal war that has (at the time of writing) claimed the lives of over 1,600 US military personnel (the true figure is probably twice that because those who die in the operating theatre or on the way to the operating theatre or commit suicide at the thought of life with such a badly shattered body are not counted as having died through enemy action), and somewhere between 10,000 and 100,000 Iraqi lives. That would be the same Bush whose economic policies mean that children are consigned to poverty and hunger without medical benefits and possibly even death through starvation or illness. That would be the same Bush whose "no condoms" policy with regard to medical aid in Africa will consign millions to death from AIDS.
But none of this matters because, according to Bush, a fertilized human egg is a human being with a soul and must be protected. Which is standard Catholic doctrine and, to a greater or lesser extent, the doctrine of other Christian creeds. At the moment the sperm fertilizes the egg, God intervenes and doles out a soul to that single cell (or maybe the cell attracts a soul automatically - I'm not au fait with the finer points of theology). And because that cell has a soul, abortion at any point along its development is murder.
The fact is that most conceptuses do not develop to term. The majority never get beyond a few dozen cells. Some get as far as the first month then spontaneously, naturally, abort (the woman usually never even realizes she was pregnant but thinks she had an unusually heavy period). Find somebody who is employed at the sewage works cleaning the filters and ask him or her about the number of foetuses that have to be removed. The simple fact is that most conceptuses are not viable, which is why many couples can try for years before the woman gets (noticeably) pregnant. For every baby born, there are tens or hundreds of spontaneous, natural abortions. And each and every one of those spontaneous, natural, abortions has a soul (according to most Christian creeds). According to Catholic doctrine, if I interpret it correctly, because they were not Christened then they are destined for an eternity in Hell (or at least Purgatory). The only way to avoid the spontaneously, naturally, aborted foetus going to Hell/Purgatory would be for women to always flush the toilet with holy water (and even that may not be enough, it may be necessary to have a priest present).
Trying to reconcile Catholic doctrine, a God of love, and 90% of humanity being consigned to an eternity in Hell without being born is somewhat difficult. According to Catholic doctrine, we are destined for Hell from birth (unless we are "saved" by becoming Christian) because each soul that is created is tainted with "Original Sin" (what a wonderfully moral doctrine - it's like being sentenced to death because your grandfather didn't pay a parking ticket). It's hard to reconcile each soul being created equal with birth defects (which Christians pass off as God "handicapping" an exceptionally good soul).
It's even harder to reconcile souls being consigned to Hell before they can even experience even a few seconds of life outside the womb with some of the souls that lived to adulthood. Genghis Khan. Attila the Hun. Stalin. Adolf Hitler. Pol Pot. Prescott Bush. George H W Bush. George W Bush. Evil fucking bastards, each and every one. And yet they were all allowed to emerge into the world and do their evil. How much more evil, therefore, must be the 90% of souls that were consigned to Hell before they had a chance even to take their first breath.
If that's the way it really works, then God is the ultimate in evil not the ultimate in good. If that's not the way it works then Christian doctrine is a pile of steaming manure. Either way Christian doctrine is not up to the task of determining the morality of abortion or of using embryonic stem cells to cure diseases.
But none of this matters because, according to Bush, a fertilized human egg is a human being with a soul and must be protected. Which is standard Catholic doctrine and, to a greater or lesser extent, the doctrine of other Christian creeds. At the moment the sperm fertilizes the egg, God intervenes and doles out a soul to that single cell (or maybe the cell attracts a soul automatically - I'm not au fait with the finer points of theology). And because that cell has a soul, abortion at any point along its development is murder.
In the Catholic doctrine, if a mother has an abortion not only does she end up in Hell but so does the aborted foetus. That is a horribly pernicious doctrine and it is all too easy to see it as a cynical piece of manipulation by the Catholic church. Firstly, by encouraging unfettered reproduction, it allows a minority Catholic population to eventually become a majority. Secondly, and far worse, poverty and religion go hand-in-hand. If you work 16-hours/day for a meagre subsistence then all you have to look forward to is "pie in the sky, when you die, by and by" - your reward in Heaven. In order to get your reward in Heaven you must be a devout Catholic. In order to be a devout Catholic you must not use any form of contraception (other than "Catholic roulette") and you must not have an abortion. And so, as a devout Catholic in poverty you have plenty of children - which makes your poverty even worse, which makes you even more dependent upon your reward in Heaven as the only meaning to your pitiful existence, which makes you more dependent upon the Catholic church, which makes you have more children...
Creating a religious doctrine for the purposes of outbreeding competing religions is evil enough. Creating it knowing that it will increase poverty, misery, and suffering and therefore increase the size of your flock amongst the poor whilst reinforcing their poverty is even more evil. But the final touch of evil is consigning the aborted foetus to Hell.
Very few women (apart from rich dilletantes like the Bush daughters) would consider abortion as a trivial way of dealing with (what they see as) a trivial inconvenience. Most women agonise over having an abortion. They have an abortion because they've been raped, or because the child would be incapable of surviving long after birth, or because both the woman and the foetus would die if the woman attempted to carry it to the point where it could be born prematurely by Caesarian section and survive. There is one other reason why desperate women consider an abortion.
Women living in poverty consider an abortion if they know that they cannot support yet another child and that if they have the child then it, and possibly some of their other children, are likely to die of starvation. It is a terrible position to be in, yet many women living in poverty face it. And the number of women who face that decision has gone up significantly since Bush stole power: poverty has increased and so has the abortion rate under Bush. And this is why the Catholic doctrine that the aborted foetus goes to Hell is evil. A woman faced with seeing her newborn and one or more of her children starve to death or having an abortion so that her other children won't starve is likely to choose the abortion even if it means she is consigned to Hell for having it - the instinct for maternal sacrifice comes into play. The doctrine that the aborted foetus to Hell is pure fucking evil - the reason why will be seen after this aside.
End of aside
The fact is that most conceptuses do not develop to term. The majority never get beyond a few dozen cells. Some get as far as the first month then spontaneously, naturally, abort (the woman usually never even realizes she was pregnant but thinks she had an unusually heavy period). Find somebody who is employed at the sewage works cleaning the filters and ask him or her about the number of foetuses that have to be removed. The simple fact is that most conceptuses are not viable, which is why many couples can try for years before the woman gets (noticeably) pregnant. For every baby born, there are tens or hundreds of spontaneous, natural abortions. And each and every one of those spontaneous, natural, abortions has a soul (according to most Christian creeds). According to Catholic doctrine, if I interpret it correctly, because they were not Christened then they are destined for an eternity in Hell (or at least Purgatory). The only way to avoid the spontaneously, naturally, aborted foetus going to Hell/Purgatory would be for women to always flush the toilet with holy water (and even that may not be enough, it may be necessary to have a priest present).
Trying to reconcile Catholic doctrine, a God of love, and 90% of humanity being consigned to an eternity in Hell without being born is somewhat difficult. According to Catholic doctrine, we are destined for Hell from birth (unless we are "saved" by becoming Christian) because each soul that is created is tainted with "Original Sin" (what a wonderfully moral doctrine - it's like being sentenced to death because your grandfather didn't pay a parking ticket). It's hard to reconcile each soul being created equal with birth defects (which Christians pass off as God "handicapping" an exceptionally good soul).
It's even harder to reconcile souls being consigned to Hell before they can even experience even a few seconds of life outside the womb with some of the souls that lived to adulthood. Genghis Khan. Attila the Hun. Stalin. Adolf Hitler. Pol Pot. Prescott Bush. George H W Bush. George W Bush. Evil fucking bastards, each and every one. And yet they were all allowed to emerge into the world and do their evil. How much more evil, therefore, must be the 90% of souls that were consigned to Hell before they had a chance even to take their first breath.
That Stalin foetus? Oh yeah, he'll probably kill tens of millions of Russians. Let him through. Those other nine foetuses? Nah, you can't let them out into the world. They're evil even though all souls are created equal. Let Stalin through, terminate the others. So mote it be.
If that's the way it really works, then God is the ultimate in evil not the ultimate in good. If that's not the way it works then Christian doctrine is a pile of steaming manure. Either way Christian doctrine is not up to the task of determining the morality of abortion or of using embryonic stem cells to cure diseases.